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Pottery fragmentsfound in a cave are 2,000 to 3,000 years older than examples found elsewhere, and probably came from simple concave vessels used for cooking food, archaeologists say. ...
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By Victoria Ku
Epoch Times Staff Created: June 25, 2012 Last Updated: June 25, 2012
(L-R) King Fergus, Queen Elinor, and Merida in the animated action-adventure ?Brave,? a film about a determined princess who must rely on her bravery and archery skills to undo a beastly curse. (Courtesy Disney/ Pixar)
Pixar?s first heroine has been greatly anticipated for a long time, and she has finally arrived in ?Brave??a heartwarming, fable-like tale about courage and pride.
Sassy and as bold as her bright red hair, Scottish princess Merida (voiced by Kelly Macdonald) loves adventure, archery, and freedom. When she is told by her parents, Queen Elinor (Emma Thompson) and King Fergus (Billy Connolly), that she will soon be married off to a son of one of the kingdom?s lords, Merida storms out of the castle and attempts to search for her own fate.
Marriage is the last thing on Merida?s mind, even though her mother has been training her to be queen her entire life.
\>");Things start getting interesting when she crosses paths with a suspicious old woodcarver who claims she can help Merida get her wish that her mother ?will change.?
?Brave? directors Mark Andrews and Brenda Chapman creatively insert plot twists that are sure to entertain and surprise the audience. This storyline is tightly wrapped around the mother-daughter relationship of Merida and the queen, sharing a few reminiscent qualities with ?Tangled.?
The stunning animations done by Pixar studios beautifully portray Scotland?s terrain and bring its people and history to life.
Merida is an immensely fierce and strong character. Her character is complex enough to be appreciated by an older audience but stubborn enough to appeal to younger audience members, who may likely relate to her ?That?s so unfair!? arguments with her mother.
Macdonald provides the perfect accent and energy as Merida?s voice. The entire vocal ensemble is very fitting, including Thompson as the mother struggling to break through the communication barrier between her and her daughter, and Connolly playing the easy-going parent.
Merida in the animated action-adventure ?Brave,? a film about a determined princess who must rely on her bravery and archery skills to undo a beastly curse. (Courtesy Disney/ Pixar)
Merida?s three younger, mischievous brothers don?t share much of a vocal presence, but their little gags and tricks provide great laughs from beginning to end.
The Scottish authenticity of the animations is breathtaking, and even the cultural jokes are done tastefully. The strong sense of community among the characters and their connection to their Scottish roots is very prominent.
Director: Mark Andrews, Brenda Chapman
Cast: Kelly Macdonald, Julie Walters, Emma Thompson, Billy Connolly, Kevin McKidd, Craig Ferguson, Robbie Coltrane, John Ratzenberger
Running Time: 100 minutes
Rating: PG
One thing that really stands out about ?Brave? is the musical score written by Patrick Doyle. He captures the essence of Scottish heritage music and still keeps it fresh for modern-day audiences.
A host of excellent qualities can be found in ?Brave??the action, the humor, the characters, the story, and the morality. This fantastic animated picture moves at a quick and steady pace, and it nails the humor without sacrificing the emotion and lessons about pride and family.
?Brave? can easily outshine any other animation feature for originality and heart, but may seem slightly underwhelming only when measured by the audience?s expectations of Pixar and alongside previous classics such as ?Toy Story? and ?Ratatouille.?wayne gretzky occupy los angeles occupy los angeles comedian patrice o neal occupy philadelphia occupy philadelphia conrad murray
U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, gives his victory speech at an election party after his primary win over former state senator, Dan Liljenquist, Tuesday, June 26, 2012, at an election party in Salt Lake City. (AP Photo/Colin E. Braley)
U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, gives his victory speech at an election party after his primary win over former state senator, Dan Liljenquist, Tuesday, June 26, 2012, at an election party in Salt Lake City. (AP Photo/Colin E. Braley)
Republican candidates Kevin McDugle (left), Jim Bridenstine (center) and Ken Walker (left) gather during a watch party at LaFortune Park in Tulsa, Okla. on Tuesday, June 26, 2012. (AP Photo/MATT BARNARD, Tulsa World)
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) ? Republican divisions resurfaced in congressional primaries, with five-term Rep. John Sullivan falling to a tea party backed opponent in Oklahoma while Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch easily defeated another candidate backed by the insurgent group. It was Hatch's first primary challenge since his election to the Senate in 1976.
Jim Bridenstine, a Navy pilot and the former director of a Tulsa space museum, defeated Sullivan on Tuesday, making him the fourth incumbent congressman to lose in primaries this year. Bridenstine labeled Sullivan a career politician and criticized his votes to rescue financial firms during the height of the 2008 economic downtown and to increase the debt ceiling last year.
Sullivan seemed to be caught off guard by the closeness of the race. He had won his five previous elections with an increasingly larger percentage of the vote.
Hatch, 78, had been bracing for a tough re-election battle, but he breezed to victory. Former state Sen. Dan Liljenquist, who survived a 2008 plane crash in Guatemala that killed 11 of 14 on board, won just enough support at the state GOP's nominating convention to advance to the primary.
But Liljenquist faced an overwhelming financial and organizational disadvantage in the primary. Hatch, learning from the defeat two years ago of his Senate colleague Robert Bennett, spent about $10 million blanketing the airwaves and building a campaign operation unlike anything Utah had seen before.
Hatch told the Associated Press in an interview Tuesday night that he was ready to tackle the nation's debt problems and focus on Social Security and Medicare.
"This is my last term," Hatch said. "I'm ready to bite the bullet."
During the Oklahoma campaign, Bridenstine said Sullivan's history of "substance abuse" made him unfit for office, a reference to Sullivan's battle with alcoholism that involved a one-month stay at the Betty Ford Clinic in California in 2009.
In a series of advertisements and at debates, Bridenstine noted that Sullivan had missed 9 percent of House votes since 2003, much higher than the average rate of 2.4 percent. Sullivan said Bridenstine was making a read-between-the-lines attack on his time at the Betty Ford Center and his missing votes after the death of a child.
Bridenstine, 36, enjoyed the support from many in the tea party movement. He said during the campaign that Sullivan's votes weren't appropriate in a state where President Barack Obama failed to win a single county in 2008.
"He's been there for 10 years and there's a lot of people just like him who have made a career out of this, and when you are a career politician, you vote for things like bailouts, debt ceiling increases, government takeovers, stimulus packages and subsidies," Bridenstine said.
In Hatch's quest for a seventh term, he seemed to have an answer to every criticism. For those who said that 36 years in office was enough, he said that he wouldn't be running again if it weren't for the opportunity to serve as chairman of the Senate Finance Committee if the GOP wins control of the Senate.
For those who said he wasn't conservative enough, he gravitated to the right, scoring a 100 percent rating from the American Conservative Union in 2010 and 2011. His lifetime rating of 89 percent from the ACU would place Hatch among the Senate's most conservative lawmakers.
Liljenquist, 37, a relative newcomer to the Utah political scene, seized on voters' concerns about the growing national debt and tried to make the case that Hatch had been a major contributor to that debt.
A political action committee called FreedomWorks for America spent about $900,000 trying to defeat Hatch. Russ Walker, national political director for the super PAC, said his organization believes it did the right thing by taking on the incumbent. He noted that Hatch's voting record and rhetoric had become more conservative over the past two years.
With the primary victory, Hatch is a huge favorite to win the general election in November against Democratic candidate Scott Howell.
Freking reported from Washington. Associated Press writer Sean Murphy in Oklahoma City contributed to this report.
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By Neerja R Mehta -
Meditation could play an indispensable role in changing the way we think and look at life. Mental peace has become quintessential in present life as tension and stress overrule mind in entirety. It is just any other technique which, if practiced, could give excellent results in the long run.
It is not easy to get over pain suffered in life. It is also difficult to deal with routine tense situations that crop up unpredictably. However, intensive meditational techniques could change the person?s perspective towards life and the world at large. A focused program to refine the thoughts and constant application of mind in doing positive things could very well lead to a path of mental calmness.
To expect instant benefits is rather not possible, in case you have just started with meditation lessons. ?Practice makes a man perfect?. Practice would enhance the balanced development and improvement of mind and heart towards optimism.
One of the basic rules guiding this concept is your own outlook towards life. A change of attitude towards life could infuse new energy towards what you actually believe in life. A small change could bring about a complete change in the personality, intellect and opinion.
Multi-tasking and multiple application of a variety of roles has altered the level of happiness and thinking in modern society. Meditation provides a way out for people looking for a change; a change filled with desire, love and peace. It is always possible to cope with life in a better and careful manner when things are brought under control.
Emotional stress has bad physical consequences. ?Healthy mind resides in a healthy body?. Where mind is ailing, it becomes difficult to control detrimental effects on body. The body might show signs of collapse which may need years, probably, life time to retrieve to the fullest.
Often, people suffer from low self-esteem. A negative inclination towards life is accompanied by a falling self-worth. Environment and childhood incidents have a greater impact on life. However the path to recognize self in the light of truth and optimism opens up while following this concept earnestly. It is always possible to free your mind from the clutches of negativity which afflicted your mind at any point of time.
Meditation is a vision, giving a true perspective about life. It moulds your mind in a direction from where light of peace and serenity could be approached easily. It develops thoughts for self-development and self-improvement. You get a helping hand to counter the tough challenges of life. It helps develop the poise and confidence to understand life in a better way. It is fast developing as an attractive and influential weapon to kill the daily stress and tensions afflicting the society. It is, in fact, a tool to love and adore self despite physical and mental roadblocks in life.
Neerja Mehta is a freelance health and medical writer. Visit to read articles on health.
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For me, 2012 began at 5am on December 31st as my best friend phoned me from Australia to wish me a Happy New Year. Later in the day, the celebration continued as I participated in a video chat with relatives in London. When the ball dropped in Time Square, NYC at midnight, I could officially welcome 2012 into my world.
The New Year brought with it an awesome feeling of renewal and an opportunity to start all over again. It afforded me the privilege and responsibility of becoming a better me. Adopting that attitude is healthy because it forces us to leave some hiccups that may have stifled us in the old year. Hiccups come in the form of negativity, insecurity and even over indulgence ushered in by unsupportive people and bad habits. As you cross over the threshold of this first week of 2012, it is the perfect time to do some paring down.
Delete past and potential sources of hiccups:
Delete some phone numbers and email addresses. Yes!
Delete some associations and memberships.
Delete some of the places that you frequent and know are not healthy.
Delete some of the habits that hinder your growth
As you delete, replace those hiccups with a glass of water. Water will purify the new cavity and prepare you for the NEW YOU PROJECT.
Invite individuals who are positive and supportive into your world.
Invite new habits including meditation, exercise, and rest into your life. They strengthen our minds and bodies to face the world each day.
Visit places that encourage you, inspire you, and motivate you to be your best self.
Combine the new acquaintances and habits with the new venues and begin a NEW YOU. Do not feel the need to explain yourself to anyone. Do not feel the desire to restrain your authentic self because of people's hang-ups. Find new ways to move in the world because new opportunities will be presented to you. You will receive feedback from your new environment that will help you grow.
The New You Project is not about changing your hair color, nails or style of dressing. It's about cleansing the negative, purifying yourself and being ready to receive the great rewards of investing in you!
I have decided to consider 2012 the year of bounty. I am walking with an attitude of abundance and gratitude. I invite you to do the same.
I am Karen St. Hilaire, a certified life coach, motivational speaker, adjunct lecturer, workshop presenter. My niche is to help you identify the unique genetic code that speaks to your passion in life. You can find out more about my services at Follow me on on Twitter
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First declared a federal holiday in 1879 under the name of Washington's Birthday, the date used to coincide with the actual birthday of George Washington. It was later shifted to its new rotating date through The Uniform Holidays Act of 1968.
With the holiday now falling anywhere between the dates of February 15th to the 21st, the holiday can no longer fall on Washington's actual birthday, February 22nd. Because of this, the holiday is often referred to as President's Day, honoring not only Washington, but all of the Presidents who followed.
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Naturally, excitement is building as we get ever nearer to Google I/O 12. Alongside the release of the new Google I/O 12 Android application, Google has kicked off the Google Developers Live page over on the Google Developers site. Say Google; "we want to bring you knowledge, tools, and people from the Google Developers community, all year round–not just three days in June."
Google already publishes regular video sessions, such as Office Hours on YouTube, but keeping track of what's out there and when it's available can be challenging. Google Developers Live aims to bring all that content under one roof effectively, and provide an easy portal complete with calendar, to find the sessions that interest you.
And, to kick-start the I/O all year round message, the first, starter-level sessions on various topics to prepare eager developers for next weeks more advanced material.
Source: Google Developers Blog
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Dolphin reckons the beta version of its new browser is the fastest HTML5 browser on Android. While the app looks largely unchanged, its creators have added in a raft of enhanced features behind the scenes, including text rendering, GPU accelerated canvas rendering and optimizations for CPU and GPU team-ups. They claim that Dolphin Engine runs up to ten times faster than the default Android browser, while it'll also perform 100 percent faster than Chrome, if the timing's right, with the beta peaking over 450 on a web-based HTML5 test, leaving rival Android browsers choking on its rich web fumes. You can give it a try yourself now -- the APK can be plucked from the source link below.
Dolphin launches Engine browser beta, claims it's got what it takes to be number one in speed stakes originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 20 Jun 2012 11:20:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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New pictures from the University of Iowa show what it looks like when a person runs out of patience and loses self-control.
A study by University of Iowa neuroscientist and neuro-marketing expert William Hedgcock confirms previous studies that show self-control is a finite commodity that is depleted by use. Once the pool has dried up, we're less likely to keep our cool the next time we're faced with a situation that requires self-control.
But Hedgcock's study is the first to actually show it happening in the brain using fMRI images that scan people as they perform self-control tasks. The images show the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC)?the part of the brain that recognizes a situation in which self-control is needed and says, "Heads up, there are multiple responses to this situation and some might not be good"?fires with equal intensity throughout the task.
However, the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC)?the part of the brain that manages self-control and says, "I really want to do the dumb thing, but I should overcome that impulse and do the smart thing"?fires with less intensity after prior exertion of self-control.
He said that loss of activity in the DLPFC might be the person's self-control draining away. The stable activity in the ACC suggests people have no problem recognizing a temptation. Although they keep fighting, they have a harder and harder time not giving in.
Which would explain why someone who works very hard not to take seconds of lasagna at dinner winds up taking two pieces of cake at desert. The study could also modify previous thinking that considered self-control to be like a muscle. Hedgcock says his images seem to suggest that it's like a pool that can be drained by use then replenished through time in a lower conflict environment, away from temptations that require its use.
The researchers gathered their images by placing subjects in an MRI scanner and then had them perform two self-control tasks?the first involved ignoring words that flashed on a computer screen, while the second involved choosing preferred options. The study found the subjects had a harder time exerting self-control on the second task, a phenomenon called "regulatory depletion." Hedgcock says that the subjects' DLPFCs were less active during the second self-control task, suggesting it was harder for the subjects to overcome their initial response.
Hedgcock says the study is an important step in trying to determine a clearer definition of self-control and to figure out why people do things they know aren't good for them. One possible implication is crafting better programs to help people who are trying to break addictions to things like food, shopping, drugs, or alcohol. Some therapies now help people break addictions by focusing at the conflict recognition stage and encouraging the person to avoid situations where that conflict arises. For instance, an alcoholic should stay away from places where alcohol is served.
But Hedgcock says his study suggests new therapies might be designed by focusing on the implementation stage instead. For instance, he says dieters sometimes offer to pay a friend if they fail to implement control by eating too much food, or the wrong kind of food. That penalty adds a real consequence to their failure to implement control and increases their odds of choosing a healthier alternative.
The study might also help people who suffer from a loss of self-control due to birth defect or brain injury.
"If we know why people are losing self-control, it helps us design better interventions to help them maintain control," says Hedgcock, an assistant professor in the Tippie College of Business marketing department and the UI Graduate College's Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Neuroscience.
edgcock's paper, "Reducing self-control depletion effects through enhanced sensitivity to implementation: Evidence from fMRI and behavioral studies," was co-authored by Kathleen Vohs and Akshay Rao of the University of Minnesota. It will be published in January 2013 in the Journal of Consumer Psychology.
University of Iowa:
Thanks to University of Iowa for this article.
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Even with tuition rates as high as they are, it?s still preferable to be entering college right now than exiting. The Class of 2012 is faced with an unemployment rate of 50%, making the payback of their $25,000 in debt on average tough to pay back. Still, the studies and surveys make it clear that if current trends hold, the Class of 2016 will have a hard go of it as well. Whether they reveal high competition, high cost, or some other issue, these 15 facts have a lot to tell us about this year?s frosh.
The huge pool of applicants, coupled with international students who still consider higher education in America the standard for excellence, have caused many schools to report their 2012 acceptance rates will be the lowest in their history. Stanford, Tufts, six of the eight Ivy league schools, MIT, Duke, and more set records for how few they are letting in, either in early admission or regular decision.
In a sure sign college is getting no less difficult to pay for, the government has had $22 million worth of additional requests for financial aid from students, according to the Department of Education. By the time the Class of 2016 is graduating, the Department projects $204 million will be requested, as the cost of public higher education will have doubled since 2001.
Congress? inability to agree that making college affordable is important and a necessary use of government resources is threatening (as of this writing) to saddle incoming freshmen with 6.8% interest rates on their federal student loans. This squabbling says volumes about the two-party system and politicians? efficacy on everyday Americans? lives.
Reflecting the country?s increasingly diverse population, many colleges and universities are reporting this year?s freshman class will be its most ethnically and geographically diverse ever. At the University of Chicago, it?s a 42% rate for students of color; at Centre College in Kentucky, it?s 20%. Examples of other record or near-record levels include those at William & Mary, Colgate, Case Western Reserve, Skidmore, and Northwestern.
College shopping used to be an activity for high schoolers and their parents during the fall semester of senior year. But in recent times, the competition for coveted spots at highly ranked schools has led to colleges mailing info to high school sophomores and even freshmen and keeping in touch with them via social media.
Since 1975, the rate of kids leaving for college right after getting their high school diploma has been climbing for all income areas, but it?s grown the fastest since 2001. In 2009 it hit an all-time high of 70%, and in 2010 (the most recent year with data) its 68% rate was considered as having ?no measurable difference.? This pattern should hold for the Class of 2016, making theirs one of the most crowded freshmen classes in history.
While real earnings are going down, the wage premium for college degree-holders is a sky-high 84%. The demand for workers with degrees is going to remain high, as an estimated two-thirds of American jobs in the next decade will require a college education. This is a telling stat in the debate over whether higher education, with its increasing costs and sinking standards, is worth the investment in today?s market.
According to annual polls by UCLA?s Cooperative Institutional Research Program, today?s students enter college more sober-minded about education than they had been before the recession. Since 2009, the rates of students who said they had studied at least six hours a week in high school has been going up, from 34.7% to 37.3% in 2010 and 39.5% in 2011. Over the same period, there?s been a 4% drop in the number who said they partied at least some each week.
While the majority of universities still require SAT and/or ACT scores for admission, a growing number of this freshmen class will get in without submitting their scores. DePaul was the latest to make the scores optional, joining schools like the University of California, Wake Forest, Bowdoin, Smith, and Dickinson. Colorado-Boulder recently dropped its requirement for the scores from international students.
The predicted takeover of print textbooks by digital media has been slow in getting off the ground. Nevertheless, the numbers indicate the Class of 2016 will be heavy tablet PC users. According to the Pearson Foundation, tablet ownership among high school seniors had quadrupled from Spring 2011 to 2012. With the ease of textbook reading that tablets offer, the popularity of e-books should rise significantly.
In a telling bit of data about young students? confidence in the job market, only one in five freshmen will plan to stop at an undergraduate degree. Compare that with 1972?s rate of over 60% of students who were content to finish school with a bachelor?s degree. No doubt it is a situation where students feel a graduate degree will help them stand out, while delaying entering a tough job market.
The last ACT report on incoming college freshmen?s preparedness found that only 25% of them cleared ACT?s academic standards for being able to handle college-level courses. The other three-quarters were predicted to need at least one remedial course in which to brush up on curriculum from high school.
Teenagers may not be up-to-speed on some current events, but they?re certainly aware that the job market is rocky. Since 2009, the number one reason college freshmen have given pollsters has been ?to land a better job.? In 2011, the rate of this answer appearing hit a 40-year high of 85.9%. As the economy continues to struggle, it?s safe to assume job concerns will also be this freshman class? top priority.
Since overtaking men in total college enrollment in the late ?70s, women have been steadily taking a bigger share of college attendees and graduates. The National Center for Education Statistics predicts that the gap will widen during this class? tenure, eventually hitting 59% of total undergrad enrollment. This will have many associated changes in the workplace, as female degree holders begin to strongly outnumber men.
Apparently the anti-tobacco campaigns have been a success with this year?s incoming freshmen, but at the expense of the anti-drug programs as a whole. A recent survey of almost 50,000 students found nearly 23% of high school seniors had smoked weed in the last month, compared to about 19% who said they had smoked cigarettes.
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Vodafone has succeeded in its attempt to buy Cable & Wireless in a bid to become the UK's second largest telecoms company. The £1.04 billion ($1.6 billion) purchase had been at risk thanks to a C&W shareholder rebellion, but will will now go ahead barring regulatory approval. Big Red will take control of undersea cables that connect global telephone lines, a booming business division and a national fiber-optic network, which it'll use to boost its mobile data service -- sad news for anyone hoping the company would offer triple-play services on all that shiny fiber.
Vodafone gets green light to buy Cable & Wireless, goes on a high-fiber diet originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 18 Jun 2012 16:54:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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Car refinancing is a sensible choice for those who own a car but are having trouble paying the monthly payments. In light of the financial crisis that has rocked the global economy many people are struggling to meet their monthly repayments and other high interest charges. Auto refinancing can help those in financial trouble, especially when borrowers are anxious about refinancing their mortgage. But what does auto refinancing mean? Well, instead of paying high interest rates on loans, borrowers can opt for a lower one by setting up a new loan against the value of their vehicle. It is important to note that with this solution, cars lose value quickly, so it could happen that a borrower pays more interest on the loan in the long run.
Once someone is approved by an auto refinancing company, the borrower
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? Diez claves sobre Grecia, el rescate a Espa?a y la crisis del euro |
Solo hay dos futuros para Europa y cualquiera de los dos llegar? pronto. O Alemania quita el freno de mano y permite una verdadera uni?n econ?mica que garantice la solvencia de los pa?ses miembros y de sus sistemas financieros; o el euro se rompe, vuelven la peseta, el dracma, la lira y el marco, con unas consecuencias dur?simas para todos, tambi?n para Alemania. Hace falta que los pa?ses del sur cumplan con sus cuentas p?blicas, pero tambi?n una Europa solidaria con un Tesoro com?n que proteja al euro: el que circula en Berl?n y el que guardan en el colch?n los aterrados atenienses. No queda ya ni mucho tiempo ni muchas m?s salidas. Si Alemania y sus aliados del norte -por su dogm?tica tozudez ideol?gica- no abren la mano y permiten otras salidas, aunque eso implique algunos puntos de inflaci?n en los pa?ses ricos y una devaluaci?n del euro, la ruptura de la moneda ?nica es m?s que probable. Si Alemania no permite otras pol?ticas, tras el fracaso del rescate parcial a Espa?a viene el rescate completo. Y tras Espa?a, la siguiente en caer es Italia.
M?s en El Peri?dico
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One unusual aspect of the doping case brought against Lance Armstrong is that three doctors have been charged in addition to the champion cyclist.
The United States anti-doping agency (USADA) says that Armstrong and the doctors were involved in a "pervasive pattern of doping".
The seven-time Tour de France winner vehemently denies the charges.
But experts say that if proven the case would signal that responsibility for doping no longer stops at the athlete.
Respected anti-doping scientist Dr Michael Ashenden told BBC News that the case marked a significant change.
Continue reading the main storyEnd Quote Dr Michael AshendenIt would send the strongest possible message to the current crop of doping facilitators that they are not beyond reach?
"It is no longer enough to stop at the athlete, but instead authorities are now seeking to investigate further and root out the doctors, support staff and drug dealers who make doping possible."
USADA has sent a 15-page letter to Lance Armstrong and five others detailing the range of the charges and some of the evidence against them.
They claim that over a period of 14 years, Armstrong, the doctors and others engaged in a large-scale conspiracy to dope. The letter lists six forms of doping with which the cyclist allegedly cheated, ranging from the abuse of erythropoietin (EPO) through to methods such as blood transfusions and saline infusions.
Three former cycling team doctors, Dr Luis del Moral, Dr Pedro Celaya and Dr Michele Ferrari are charged with possession, trafficking and the administration of doping materials and methods.
While the doctors haven't commented Lance Armstrong issued a strong denial of involvement in doping or in any conspiracy to dope.
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"Although USADA alleges a wide-ranging conspiracy extended over more than 16 years, I am the only athlete it has chosen to charge," Armstrong said in a statement. "USADA's malice, its methods, its star-chamber practices, and its decision to punish first and adjudicate later all are at odds with our ideals of fairness and fair play."
But Dr Michael Ashenden told BBC News that if Armstrong and his colleagues were found to have been part of a conspiracy to facilitate the culture of doping within cycling "a culture which flushed that sport down the toilet for a generation of clean riders" then they needed to be brought to account.
"It would send the strongest possible message to the current crop of doping facilitators that they are not beyond reach."
Long time comingExperts in the field say that doping has continued to plague sport because down the years because there has been far too much focus on the activities of the athletes and not on the scientists and medical personnel behind them.
Dr Robin Parisotto is a former Australian Institute of Sport scientist who was the principal researcher of the EPO 2000 Project which developed the first ever blood tests to be used at the Olympic games to detect the blood booster EPO.
"The signs have been around for decades that doping was an organised practice and blind Freddy could see that the plethora of drugs, let alone the interactions between them, predicted that doctors would have to be consciously involved.
"Where the evidence stacks up, the proverbial book should be thrown at these 'hypocritical' docs and those responsible for facilitating the purchase and distribution of [the] drug," he told BBC News.
Athlete as victimOther scientists in the field argue the only doping that really works is the type of large-scale sophisticated cheating that involves many more people than just the athlete.
They point to examples including Operacion Puerto, the systematic doping of dozens of cyclists and other competitors famously organised in Spain, or the Balco case that involved a number of athletes including Marion Jones and Britain's Dwayne Chambers.
In these circumstances, the athlete needs to be seen as a victim as well says Dr Perikles Simon, professor of sports medicine at the University of Mainz in Germany.
"The public will hopefully understand soon that because of professional doping, support systems like the organised doping in the former East Germany - the organised doping in case of Balco, the organised doping in certain Tour de France teams, the athletes that dope are not only cheaters, but are also victims of professional systems that, for the sake of profit, corrupt sports.
"These systems severely put under pressure or even directly or indirectly force the so called 'youth of the world' to risk their health and life in order to compete."
Betsy Andreu, the wife of former Armstrong team mate Frankie Andreu, told BBC News that enhancing performance is no longer something an athlete can do on their own.
"I think it's not about the individual, it's about many people. An athlete can't do it by themselves, you have to have support," she said.
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LAPORTE, Colo. ? Firefighters on Sunday were battling wildfires that spread quickly in parched forests in Colorado and New Mexico, forcing hundreds of people from their homes and the evacuation of wolves from a sanctuary.
The Colorado fire, in a mountainous area about 15 miles west of Fort Collins, grew to 31 square miles within about a day of being reported, destroying or damaging 18 structures.
In southern New Mexico, strong winds grounded aircraft fighting a 40-square-mile wildfire near the mountain community of Ruidoso. Crews were working to build a fire line around the blaze, which started Friday and has damaged or destroyed 36 structures.
It wasn't immediately clear how many of the lost structures were homes.
In Colorado, the fire sent up heavy smoke, obscuring the sun and creating an eerie, orange dusk in the middle of the day. The smell drifted into the Denver area and smoke spread as far as central Nebraska, western Kansas and Texas.
The latest New Mexico blaze is smaller than the Whitewater-Baldy fire ? the largest in the state's history ? but more worrisome to authorities because it started closer to homes, said Dan Ware, a spokesman for the New Mexico State Forestry Division. He said the number of Ruidoso evacuees was in the hundreds.
Elsewhere Sunday, firefighters were battling a wildfire that blackened 6 square miles in Wyoming's Guernsey State Park and forced the evacuation of 500 to 1,000 campers and visitors. Cooler weather was helping firefighters in their battle against two other wildfires in southern Utah.
In Colorado, authorities sent nearly 1,800 evacuation notices to phone numbers but it wasn't clear how many residents had to leave.
Authorities say it's the worst fire in Larimer County in about 25 years. It spread as fast as 11/2 mph Saturday, skipping over some areas but burning intensely in trees in others.
The blaze forced the evacuation of 11 wolves from a sanctuary. KUSA-TV in Denver reported that 19 wolves remained at the sanctuary, which has underground concrete bunkers known as "fire dens" that can be used by the animals.
The speed of the fire's spread has dashed any hope of containment for the time being.
"These folks are doing everything they can," Larimer County Sheriff Justin Smith said, "but Mother Nature is running this fire."
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